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Differences between Ulcerative Colitis
and Crohn’s Disease

Ulcerative colitis
Crohn’s disease
Left colon and rectum are mainly involved It can be located anywhere along the length of GIT and then usually continues to spread
Haematochesia (bleeding from the lower portion of the colon) Haematochesia is uncommon
Rectal involvement almost always occurs Rectal involvement is 50%
Fistula formation is uncommon Fistula formation is common
Distribution of ulcers is irregular and shaggy Here linear ulcers occur with transverse fissures giving cobblestone appearance
Bowel strictures are rare Bowel strictures are common

Ulcerative Colitis
Crohn's Disease
Diarrhoea +++ +++
Rectal bleeding ++ +
Tenesmus +++  
Abdominal Pain + +++
Fever + ++
Vomitting   +++
Weight loss + +++
Perineal Disease   +++
Abdominal Mass + +++
Malnutrition + +++

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This article has been written by Dr. M. Javed Abbas.
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21:03 21/12/2002